arte na pre historia

arte na pre historia. arte na pre historia. Arte na Pré História; Arte na Pré História. Zonz. Jan 1, 04:04 PM. Let me conclude with this. I suppose I#39;ve dug myself into a little
  • arte na pre historia. Arte na Pré História; Arte na Pré História. Zonz. Jan 1, 04:04 PM. Let me conclude with this. I suppose I#39;ve dug myself into a little

  • Rocketman
    Oct 3, 03:46 PM
    ...I'd like The Steve to walk on stage and announce that they absolutely will not release certain products,

    That is a really good idea.

    He would have to come up with language that does not confirm or deny, but still states "not this quarter".

    I believe it would increase sales on the margin for peple waiting for the next great thing to come out ala Merom MBP, despite the fact that the only benefit to Merom over Yonah is 64 bit.

    He should UPOD and SAY this was the greatest processor improvement in a decade and additional improvements will be incremental for a couple years.

    Even if we later learn those increments are doublings of processor counts. Besides that ONLY benefits threaded applications, not "traditional applications" which have seen a plateau for the forseeable future.

    At some point the consumer experience is not appreciably improved by processor improvements. Except for media processing intensive applicatons, we are there.

    That alone ia an amazing statement for the Apple platform.

    Can any other platform say that or even promise that any time within 2 years?


    arte na pre historia. arte na pre historia.
  • arte na pre historia.

  • bugfaceuk
    Apr 29, 05:43 PM
    Or the new MacBook Air and all other Macs will move to 4GB standard.

    You can use it with 2GB but it is not a very good experience, even with a just handful of Apps open.

    It's WAY too early to judge Lion's memory consumption. In my experience, only the final GM build (unsurprisingly) has ever had even a remotely similar memory profile to the final product experience.

    arte na pre historia. Very funny retort to another Droidhead. These guys make the most ridiculous statements. They#39;re always good for a laugh! arte na pre historia.
  • Very funny retort to another Droidhead. These guys make the most ridiculous statements. They#39;re always good for a laugh! arte na pre historia.

  • Chundles
    Sep 12, 07:52 AM
    Aussie iTMS just showing the "The Store is Busy" dialogue. No splash page, just a little box.

    arte na pre historia. arte na pre historia. A Arte na Pré-história e a; A Arte na Pré-história e a. zombierunner. Apr 26, 08:12 AM. Nu Eye Max
  • arte na pre historia. A Arte na Pré-história e a; A Arte na Pré-história e a. zombierunner. Apr 26, 08:12 AM. Nu Eye Max

  • Lennholm
    Apr 16, 08:53 AM
    I dislike it when people keep saying that line over and over. Does competition really make products better? Where's the truth in that? If it's truly the case, why do we still see half-baked consumer products for the end user?

    If anything, I feel that there seldom really is a better product for us because of competition. A competing product with better specs does not necessarily result in a better product. And frankly, judging by the gadget industry, Apple's been releasing consumer-satisfied products left and right despite better (in specs) products being released by their competitors.

    Okay. So did competition [from other manufacturers] make Apple release a better product? No. Because from how the Internet reacts, every other manufacturer outspecs Apple and Apple "overcharges for something you can get with much more for much less"

    But Apple does release products to get with the times, however, I feel that Apple products don't need high-end specs to provide consumer satisfaction.

    Besides, the iOS today looks the same as the iOS from the iPhone 1 but with upgrades. Did competition spur Apple into doing the upgrades? I doubt it. They seem to have their own idea of where to direct their OS. Honeycomb on the other hand looks and functions very differently from Froyo. That [design decision] instead seems to be driven by competition.

    It's hard to know what features Apple wouldn't have included in the latest gen of a product if it hadn't been for competition. Maybe iPad 2 wouldn't have had the improved GPU if it had zero competing products.
    One thing I'm certain of, iOS would still not have had personal hot spot if it hadn't been for the competition from Android.

    arte na pre historia. FILMES DE ARTE NA PRE HISTORIA. briankeith513. Apr 18, 10:40 PM. Correct. Xcode is the Mac OSX development platorm, so naturally it only runs on Macs.
  • FILMES DE ARTE NA PRE HISTORIA. briankeith513. Apr 18, 10:40 PM. Correct. Xcode is the Mac OSX development platorm, so naturally it only runs on Macs.

  • Glideslope
    Apr 25, 03:59 PM
    Is it just me, or does the back of the iPhone look like the iPod touch (like recent rumours claimed)?

    By the way, it would be moronic for Apple to use 4s instead of 5. They used 3Gs simply because you can't have an iPhone 3G and then a successor named iPhone 3.

    Just you. :apple:

    arte na pre historia. arte na pre historia.
  • arte na pre historia.

  • Blakjack
    Mar 17, 07:15 AM
    Lay off the OP. Half of u are dogging him and would have done the same thing. Thats the sad part

    arte na pre historia. arte na pre historia. arte na pre historia. arte na pre historia. KnightWRX. May 2, 12:45 PM
  • arte na pre historia. arte na pre historia. arte na pre historia. KnightWRX. May 2, 12:45 PM

  • Sedrick
    Mar 18, 05:03 AM
    Yeah, it's a shame the new phone comes with some baggage:

    Shaped like a brick
    Drops calls (antenna design)
    Shatters when you drop it
    Tired old OS

    ..but it's still desirable over all the other phones.

    Apple can fix some of these issues this summer, if they're not too smug to get off their high horse.

    arte na pre historia. da Europa na pré-história.
  • da Europa na pré-história.

  • SkippyThorson
    Sep 28, 12:05 PM
    Is this the iHouse prototype? :p

    I personally like it. It is simple, and I'll admit, I thought Steve would go lavish. I love the touch with the veggie garden. Tomatoes and spices galore, I say. It sounds like he's going to retire there, and that he's really going for the "retreat" feel.

    Applause, even if it means taking down a 1920's mansion. Not everything can be saved forever. It'll exist in memory. What's the point of saving old buildings that won't be used? So they can be cleaned and saved for no one? For people to look at once and leave? Better use of the land. It had its time, and now it's passed.

    Make way for Jobso.

    arte na pre historia. arte na pre historia. Onde anda a História da Arte? Onde anda a História da Arte? danielwsmithee. Aug 29, 11:10 AM. Do you have evidence of this just out of
  • arte na pre historia. Onde anda a História da Arte? Onde anda a História da Arte? danielwsmithee. Aug 29, 11:10 AM. Do you have evidence of this just out of

  • anotherarunan
    Jan 16, 05:43 AM
    The Macbook Air will be like a one night stand with a hot looking chickie.
    Once you get to know her better you'll dump her because of what's missing! :D

    LOL :p

    On a side note, was it me or did SJ seem different, almost duller yday? Something just didnt seem right, or are we all just feeling the effects of a MASSIVELY overhyped keynote.

    Almost like when you hype up a big football (soccer for you yanks) game between two massive teams only to see a 1-0 scrappy win. You get a result, but its just not as exciting as you wished it to be, even though it was the most likely result.

    arte na pre historia. O ARTE NA PREHISTORIA. theheadguy. Aug 29, 02:35 PM. I swear, some people will excuse
  • O ARTE NA PREHISTORIA. theheadguy. Aug 29, 02:35 PM. I swear, some people will excuse

  • JRM PowerPod
    Sep 12, 08:30 AM
    God I wish I could be.

    Yes, Apple are probably going to release full length movies tomorrow morning but there's nothing out there that proves it yet.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Children of aaaaalllll aaageeesssss.....

    Come the incredible hyperactive inattentive Apple Special Event thread!!!

    You are really disenchanted by this thread arent you?

    But at the end of the day its your fault. You are the leader you must take responsibility.

    arte na pre historia. Arte Da Pre Historia. arte na
  • Arte Da Pre Historia. arte na

  • Xenc
    Apr 5, 05:55 PM
    Looks good. Is there an ad-free version?

    arte na pre historia. arte na pre historia. arte na pre historia. arte na pre historia.  algiris. May 2, 08:52 AM. quot;Hugequot; threat.
  • arte na pre historia. arte na pre historia. arte na pre historia. algiris. May 2, 08:52 AM. quot;Hugequot; threat.

  • keyofnight
    Jul 21, 11:59 AM
    I swear guys: I'm pretty sure most of the people dropping calls are only dropping calls because of the proximity sensor issues.

    Next time you drop a call, check to see if it says "Call Failure" on the screen. If it doesn't, it's probably the sensor. (I'm talking to a wall, I'm sure�but if one person discovers the real problem, I'll be happy�

    If it does say call failure, take it to Apple and they'll give you a new one. Simple. (:

    arte na pre historia. arte na pre historia. A Arte na Pré-História
  • arte na pre historia. A Arte na Pré-História

  • MattyMac
    Oct 10, 06:48 PM
    Yeah, Apple isn't going to sit back and let Zune steal its lunch!


    So please please please let it be:D

    arte na pre historia. arte na pre historia. Na pré-história, além das; Na pré-história, além das. Aadhil. Sep 30, 02:07 PM. You know what#39;s funny?
  • arte na pre historia. Na pré-história, além das; Na pré-história, além das. Aadhil. Sep 30, 02:07 PM. You know what#39;s funny?

  • snberk103
    Apr 15, 10:35 PM
    Whoa, is this a contest for the longest post?

    Count me absent.

    No, why? :)

    arte na pre historia. arte na pre historia. Arte Na Pre Historia; Arte Na Pre Historia. chrono1081. Apr 20, 08:37 PM. Go to Folder Option,
  • arte na pre historia. Arte Na Pre Historia; Arte Na Pre Historia. chrono1081. Apr 20, 08:37 PM. Go to Folder Option,

  • balamw
    Apr 12, 09:02 AM
    PCs, I think, is going too far.
    Microsoft, apparently, begs to differ.


    arte na pre historia. arte na pre historia.
  • arte na pre historia.

  • minnesotamacman
    Sep 12, 08:49 AM
    OK, this is the big prediction. A new 50" Display for Home Theater use...

    arte na pre historia. arte na pre historia. a arte na pré-história. a arte na pré-história. vksong. May 5, 07:04 AM
  • arte na pre historia. a arte na pré-história. a arte na pré-história. vksong. May 5, 07:04 AM

  • AndroidfoLife
    Apr 16, 03:47 PM
    People talk about a so-called 'reality distortion field' about Steve Jobs and yet everyday we get people blatantly ignoring truth because it doesn't fit with their own personal world view.

    Yes, there were Palms, and Blackberries, Nokia's, Sony-Ericssons, and Panasonics etc before the iPhone but when we all saw the iPhone everyone instantly knew that was the future; touch-screen, icon based, intuitive, with an emphasis on both design and usability.

    You might not like the fact that Apple revolutionized the phone market but history says otherwise.

    Everything on the original iPhone was already in use by other phones. Apple simply combined them all together in one phone and made it simpler to use. It revolutionized yeah, by simply bringing that stuff to the front of peoples minds.

    arte na pre historia. arte na pre historia.
  • arte na pre historia.

  • Sined
    Apr 10, 06:17 PM
    Are keri and LTD married or do they share a room in an asylum? I'm confused.

    arte na pre historia. PRÉ-HISTÓRIA E ARTE NA

  • turtlebud
    Nov 24, 11:11 PM
    should have realized that it was over at 9pm PST, but I did start trying to put my order in at 8:45pm PST. Tried to used my $50 credit from ipod settlement but the promo code field was already filled out so I didn't have anywhere to put it. talked to a rep (just after it passed 9pm PST) by which time the discounts were all gone anyways :( The rep told me, no discount codes can be used today - kind of lame.

    Jan 15, 04:44 PM
    Still. No. Flash. On. My. Iphone.

    W. T. F??!

    Jan 11, 11:53 PM
    I wonder if this device turns off movie projectors?


    Oct 10, 07:55 PM
    The 6g? I don't know. Maybe it'll be like a PDA, with iPhone capibilites,and CompactMac OS 1.0 :D

    Actually, that would be pretty neat. An iPod/iPhone/PDA? C'mon, you've gotta admit that would be cool!

    I really don't care about any video features and such. Hell, add an Intel Core Duo 2 processor, for all I care! Just as long as it still plays music, I'm happy.:)

    Oct 10, 05:47 PM

    Nov 23, 10:58 PM
    so guys,

    does anyone think that the discounts will be able to be used in conjunction with educational discounts? if so that'd be great...if not...then i guess you still save an additional 50 bucks? that'd be ok!

    tell me what you think about hte question?

    I am able to purchase through their Corporate Employee Purchase program which is usually about the same discount as the student discount. Apple sent an email to announce the sale and it says "Additional EPP savings on select sales items". I believe you will be able to use the two together. Anyway we will see.

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