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  • peharri
    Oct 3, 07:46 AM
    More people have heard of the 'DeCSS' programs, but, again, how many have actually used them? I'd say less than 1% of the computer-using public. And most of these people, like me, would only use it to exercise 'fair use' rights (i.e. I'm going on a plane trip, and I rip a DVD I own to my HD to save battery power, then I delete the files after watching it).

    You'll be surprised at the number of people who use VLC, as it's an excellent DVD player that usually has some advantages over {Whatever DVD player came with your computer}, notably that you don't always get {Whatever DVD player came with your computer} to begin with, it's free, it works, it's reliable, and if you have a good DVD drive, it's multi-region.

    VLC uses various libraries that were derived from DeCSS.

    I wonder how many people would suddenly notice the DMCA if we started seeing thousands of people arrested and thrown in jail, as is theoretically possible, because they downloaded and used an unauthorized DVD player, like one of the Free Software programs such as VLC, to watch DVDs they own?

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  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 18, 10:55 PM
    Therein lies the issue. HD DVD's first titles had an avg bitrate of 16-20Mbps with peaks of almost 30Mbps. Batman Begins just shipped with an avg bitrate of 13Mpbs and it's PQ is top notch.

    While it's neither here nor there, I watched Batman Begins last night on HD-DVD. The PQ was pretty good, but not the best I've seen out of HD-DVD. The PQ wasn't any better than Serenity (which is also quite good) and I thought wasn't as good as The Corpse Bride. I was somewhat disappointed with some of the banding and edge artifacts on white/bright objects. High contrast edges tended to show some halos at times. But yeah, either way, the PQ coming out of HD-DVD is great.

    I doubt we see another widely distributed movie format on disc.

    You may be right about the disc part... Upcoming storage media technologies are taking various other shapes. Many of the holographic applications being researched now take various shapes from cards about the size and thickness of a credit card to a 4cm cube. Not all are based on a spinning disc implementation. :D

    I think there will always be a tangible medium for delivering a hard copy of music or movies. Consumers want it. People were saying this very same thing about music 10 years ago... Here we are today, CD sales continue to hold steady even with online buying options. Even for what people download, most still want a type of media to store that on and not necessarily hard drives or their iPod being the final destination.

    It may take time for another format to supplant HD-DVD and Blu-Ray, but it will happen. 1080P HD delivered via a compressed data stream is hardly the pinnacle of potential for our current display technology, let alone upcoming display systems. Sony and Runco are already shipping 4K projectors at prices lower than 1080P/2K projectors were selling for only 3 years ago. TI is ready to ship full 2K DMD systems for DLP TVs and are applying their wobulation technique to build 4K DLP systems, expected sometime next year. And even as broadband access continues to grow and serve more areas, newer technology will need to come about to increase speeds and overall bandwidth.

    We'll see. If yet another disc format comes out I want to see

    10-bit per channel RGB
    4:2:2 color sampling
    huge bandwidth
    3840x2160 resolution

    Er... How do you figure 30bit RGB and 4:2:2?

    Current HD-DVD and Blu-Ray standards allow for 10bpc as does the ATSC broadcast standard. And you would want full 4:4:4 representation for that 10bit color stream.. Why cripple it? While were at it, since we're hypothesizing a new format with huge capacity and ample bandwidth, why not just go full on 16bits/channel 4:4:4, lossless, 4K resolution. I figure that optical/holographic media that could reliably and affordably handle that sort of data requirement is probably about 10 years off. Or about where HD-DVD/Blu-Ray were 10 years ago - just a sparkle of hope in some lab demonstration as the DVD format was just starting to show up. Oh, wow, has it been that long? Yep, almost... I bought my first DVD movie in '98.

    I agree on the 4K resolution, though.

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  • billystlyes
    May 2, 11:47 AM
    "Bugs". That's so funny. Like it wasn't something indented by Big Brother, make that Apple. We truly do have a new evil empire now.

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  • ezekielrage_99
    Nov 16, 07:15 PM
    The only thing I can seriously see Apple buying from AMD is the new portable ATI Radeon� Xpress 1150 Graphics card for the MacBook range.

    AMD portable CPUs are complete rubbish, the Turion 64 the Turion AM2x and the mobile Sempron range are completely inferrior to any mobile Intel CPU.

    If Apple does release an AMD laptop I will NEVER buy it.


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  • balamw
    Apr 27, 08:07 PM
    I have found a tutorial where you can start, stop and reset a timer, I could use that, but I want a datePicker to select time and the tutorial doesn't show that. Here is the link:

    Divide and conquer.

    Where he makes the counter count backwards from 600 by hardcoding the initial value in the label, make that a variable that is tied to the datePicker of your choice.

    If you want to do it in baby steps, first use two labels one for the input and one for the display to input the starting time and then replace the input one with your datePicker.


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  • MasterHowl
    Mar 24, 03:09 PM
    Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Mac OS X, happy birthday to you :apple::apple::apple::apple::apple::apple:


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  • arn
    Nov 23, 06:38 PM
    typically you can't combine with edu discounts.


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  • currentinterest
    Apr 15, 04:58 PM
    Yep, I remember all those fake, poorly photoshopped iPod Nanos and Mac Minis as well. These may very well be real, or could be an early version.


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  • iMattcotv
    Mar 17, 05:52 PM
    That happened to me just last week..

    I was answering a call beside a guy at a bus stop who had an evo.. Out of no where he was like "Hey, you better hurry up before that call drops.."

    So I just stared at him for a few seconds and said "Well atleast it wont be because my batteries dead"

    I knew I got him, because he couldnt come up with anything better and just stared at me with depression as if to say "awwww hes right -_-".. :apple:

    blue waffles disease cure. lue waffles disease cure.
  • lue waffles disease cure.

  • eawmp1
    May 4, 05:54 PM
    Sorry, but whether I have guns in my house with my kids is not anyones business but my own.

    But when you have guns in your house with my kids it's your pediatrician's job to ask. Whether you choose to answer is your choice.


    blue waffles disease cure. Insomnia Treatment Image
  • Insomnia Treatment Image

  • SMM
    Jan 12, 09:45 AM
    you seem to of listed good reasons for why you wanted it. I had the other reaction to the phone. I personally think the interface is very poor. The touch screen only I honestly hate. Reason is because trying to type on a touch screen is a true pain. Plus it requires me looking at the phone to do it. With buttons I can do a lot of stuff with out looking. and having to look at my phone to use my speed dial would bother me. And based on the stuff that was shown it just looks like it has a lot of issues in it that would just annoy the crap out of me.

    But then again for those very same reasons I am not going to get an iPhone. Even if it only costed like 200 bucks with the contract. It is not what I want out of a phone.

    The bloody thing is not even released yet and you are already an expert? Give me a break.

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 28, 10:17 AM
    If you like, later tonight I can show you how to do this as you first tried, by incrementing a seconds variable. Or wait for KnightWRX. My concern is accuracy of the timer. It might be off by several seconds after running an hour. That might not be an issue for your application, but you should be aware of it.

    No, it very much is an issue, but I think this is an issue we should look into after the "timer" portion is working.

    If we have a skeleton of a "timer" application working, with start/stop/resets going and a display that updates properly, then changing variables we increment based on the NSTimer firing to variables we increment based on the system clock is a trivial change.


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  • AlphaMikeRome0
    Apr 16, 11:19 AM

    Well thats the end of that one then , also i prefer the current placstic for the iphone

    blue waffles disease cure. lue waffles disease cure.
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  • dsnort
    Jul 24, 11:52 PM

    Wait for it, it's a nag strip, but sooo worth it.

    I'd be worried about that exept one incontrovertible fact. Steve Jobs has more creative spark in his left pinky than M$ does in it whole genetic tree.


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  • airforce1
    May 2, 12:00 PM
    Nothing is being removed they are changing the cache limit. And do you really think Apple is tracking 120+ million users....

    unless you where asleep, every single device was tracked, whether or not Apple themselves collected the info is like asking if the CIA eavesdrops on every single US citizen, answer is no, but the history of the devices unique ID, locations can help connect via remote desktop and collect political views, which was what Apple is really been questioned about by Congress,

    Who ever claims they have nothing to hide is full of BS, its not that you have anything to hide, access to the Unique Device ID can also help the perpetrator remotely use the device, internet, access bank and other private information with out the users knowledge, and they paid allot for the device unlike some of the free Social networking services who took advantages of bugs in the past until it was proven intentional to fish info too,

    So until you accomplices prove what exactly was the purpose behind this with hardware and transitional data readings no one can say Apple is innocent, as it is they are due in court over year now and just mentioned today that they will respond to this, Maybe Steve was not sick after all and had a ball listening to Gates or Microsoft, or wall street taking the hike along with them.

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  • sunfast
    Sep 12, 08:26 AM
    Is there going ot be an IRC feed like WWDC? If so what is the channel/port? Sorry to ask here, but I couldn't find the info on the main page...

    Have a look here (


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  • SandynJosh
    Apr 16, 11:15 PM
    Apple has by far the most restrictive ecosystem. You can't even load applications that are not approved by Apple.

    That's the truth! With an Andriod download I can easy get a free Trojan program along with the app I wanted.

    The Trojans seem to work but many of the apps don't. Dam Apple to heck for not letting people load any old crapo they want into iTunes.

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  • pmz
    Apr 15, 10:52 PM
    I wish the next iPhone could look like this, but all one has to do is look at how incredibly ugly the iPad 3G model is with it's disgusting black plastic ass, to know that no recently designed iPhone model is anywhere near becoming all aluminum. It just doesn't work. The first iPhone tried to do this, looked exactly like the iPad 3G does 3 years later, and still had a ton of connectivity issues. Does anyone believe Apple wanted to abandon that gorgeous design after only one year? Nope. They had to. They got away with terrible reception during a time when it could be blamed on AT&T, and Edge was all it could connect to. To make an impact with the iPhone 3G, and actually improve things, more than the radio had to change...the entire case did. This, the plastic iPhone casing, is not going away any time soon. Don't even expect to change, even slightly.

    In fact, anyone expecting a case redesign of any kind for the iPhone is sorely mistaken, and completely out to lunch.

    Regardless of the validity, I personally think the chances are very high for a unibody type iPhone, it only makes sense. Apple did a unibody macbook (plastic). Its Apple, everything standardizes and is consistent, otherwise Steve's head will explode.

    What the hell would you call the current iPhone design, 2 years running? (other than a unibody plastic design)...

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  • SevenInchScrew
    Nov 14, 02:30 AM
    A few things...

    1 - The AK74u is the best gun in the game, in my opinion. With the Grip and Rapid Fire attachments, it feels like cheating. The Galil is a close second. Both guns are totally amazing.

    2 - "Hardline Pro" is the best perk, hands down. Use that, and then set your Kill Streaks to "SAM Turret", "Care Package", and "Sentry Gun". Every time you get a package drop with Hardline Pro, you can double-tap X and swap it out. More often than not, you'll get something good.

    3 - The second best is "Hacker Pro". It doesn't happen much, but booby-trapping an enemy care package is most excellent. The standard benefit of seeing enemy equipment is nice as well.

    4 - The spawns in this game are downright shameful... and that is putting it lightly. If they aren't fixed with the first update, this game can go to hell. Soooo farking pitiful.

    5 - Nuketown, combined with the aforementioned assy spawns, might be the worst thing I've ever experienced in a game. The map is a total mess, made even worse when the enemy spawns on top of you, or behind you, all the time. Not fun. I don't even mess with it now. If it shows up, I quit out. Not worth the hassle.

    My current go-to setup....

    Nov 17, 11:22 AM
    AMD doesn't have a competitive notebook CPU and can't deliver in the scale Apple needs.

    yes they could. We are not talking about zillion CPU's here. AMD could satisfy Apple's demands just fine.

    Apr 29, 07:36 PM
    They won't make Lion "uninstallable" on it. But it might be "unbearable" for all but the most casual of users. ;)

    On a side note, I've noticed there's now a "Show downloads" button to the left of the Search Field:

    Image (

    You mean to the right of the search field, and when Lion is released w/o dbg libs running the Ram requirements and performance will improve smoothly for the Airs to run just fine.

    Sep 30, 12:42 PM
    I guess you are still in the lets all commute to work and congest the highways and burn all the electricity and gas we can boat.

    Some jobs are not conducive to working at/from home.
    And I'd imagine that includes being the CEO of a multi-billion-dollar company.

    Mar 5, 03:39 PM
    Why is Apple the only tech company that makes unique products? All the other big ones seem to just drop in behind Apple after they invent something... Examples:

    •Phones that are designed to simply compete with the iPhone.
    •Pretty much every non-Apple tablet.
    •iMac lookalikes.
    •I've even seem some unibody copy cats...

    Why don't they try and come up with something of their own instead of trying to "make a better Apple product"? Its annoying... :mad:

    LOL - you make it sound like everyone else just copies Apple: Other companies are inventive, for example, the company behind Kinetic, or Nintendo ( first 3d game system not requiring glasses ), or Amazon for making the first popular ebook reader device, or sony

    Apple are highly visible and of course, they do make innovative products but I wouldn't go as far to say "the only company".

    Oct 6, 10:39 AM
    Are you telling me that Verizon got 4 times worse over the last year too?? This is the first I've heard of that.
    I don't think there's any arguing that Verizon has the most stable 3G network, but the biggest question is, if they do get the iPhone, can Verizon's 3G network maintain the same quality with a quick influx of a few million iPhone users?

    Rihanna tattoo pictures

    Everybody, especially media is looking forward for Rihanna’s new tattoos.

    Robyn Rihanna Fenty is born on 20th February 1988, better known as Rihanna, is a Barbadian-American recording artist and model.

    Here is the list a Rihanna’s tattoos:
    1. Stars plunging stars down her back
    2. A music note on her right ankle
    3. A Pisces sign behind her right ear
    4. A star inside her left ear.
    5. The Roman numerals XI IV LXXXVI on her left shoulder
    6. A Sanskrit prayer going down the hip.
    7. A small skull with a pink bow on the back of her left foot,
    8. “Shhh…” on her right index finger
    9. “love” on her left middle finger.
    10. An Arabic phrase on her ribcage area, meaning “Freedom is God”.

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  • Mac Fly (film)
    Oct 19, 10:15 AM
    I'd like to see the figures just for the UK rather than "international". I'm a firm believer that it's the Apple Stores that are causing the upswing. Outside of the US, the UK is the only country where Apple stores are expanding their reach, which would confirm whether or not my thinking is misguided.
    Your thinking is not misguided. Now where's our bloody Apple Store in Ireland.

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  • MacRumors
    Apr 29, 01:08 PM (

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  • iW00t
    Jan 12, 04:47 AM
    I think people's first reaction to see a phone with speakers floating in air.. would be 'wow.. WTF!' instead of 'ew'

    I prefer that technology to be made larger and turned into... anti crash aircraft, aircraft that flies on anti gravity and by definition will never crash.

    A bunch of floating speakers, who cares! Noise pollution man!

    simple curriculum vitae sample. Take a look at the resume.
  • Take a look at the resume.

  • vincebio
    Apr 5, 03:57 PM
    just when we thought they couldnt ever beat their Apple's biggest flop....this comes along.

    nobody will download this.....surely:D

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  • Eidorian
    Nov 16, 03:03 PM
    And one more thing....

    Introducing the Macbook mini AMD edition!

    AMD 4x4 processors at 2.6ghz
    Nvidia 4x4 compatible chipset
    AMD x1950 graphics w/ 512 memory
    12in sxga screen
    2 gigs memory standard

    Liquid Nitrogen not included...

    :pSome Dvorak love.

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  • maddav
    Sep 12, 07:21 AM
    Can't wait :D

    The Australian store is claiming that the store is busy or to check my connection :confused:

    Ditto for the UK store

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  • jive
    Sep 12, 07:30 AM
    Disney own/are part of Buena Vista - who make a shedload of movies.

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  • toddybody
    Apr 25, 12:13 PM
    IMHO, it looks gorgeous. I'd love to have one...

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  • hayesk
    Mar 26, 08:06 PM
    Have they thought about including a USB stick in the box as well, for the Macbook Air? I sure would hate to have to buy an external CD drive just to get the new OS on my computer. Will they allow it to be downloaded over the internet?

    I'll bet they allow it to be downloaded from the App Store, and boxed copies will only come on USB stick.

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  • dondiego87
    Jan 9, 03:07 PM
    I have to say, my heart was broken when I saw the spoiler in the ticker...

    Next time, for safety's sake, just post a blank page that says "Here's where the link will be:" and put the link there once the movie's up. Other than that, totally blank.

    simple curriculum vitae sample. in MS Word. Sample
  • in MS Word. Sample

  • MOFS
    Mar 10, 02:11 AM
    The Click Wheel interface was/is an abomination and exactly the opposite of a "good" interface. It's a horrible mess. The only usable iPod is the iPod Touch.

    I disagree. The click wheel made it easier to use, as it was intuitive (scrolling clockwise down, anticlockwise up), and was also easily used inside a pocket [find the clickwheel and you're go]. The clickwheel has been hailed as a masterstroke for Apple; getting rid of the plethora of buttons on MP3 players and replacing it with a sleek interface. I find it the most annoying part of using my iPhone is that I have to look at the screen to use the controls.

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  • kalisphoenix
    Nov 16, 06:52 PM

    simple curriculum vitae sample. Sample Resume
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  • count chocula
    Mar 24, 01:46 PM
    Wow, thanks for keeping us posted, and good luck getting the 360 back. :)

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  • rnelan7
    Apr 10, 02:39 PM
    Samsung PN50C8000 x3.

    Continuing to build my ultimate theater room - just need to paint the in wall speakers that were installed.

    Just curious, why three televisions instead of just one big projector?

    simple curriculum vitae sample. simple resume sample. cv
  • simple resume sample. cv

  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 28, 09:59 AM
    In a dreamland, sure, it works out great.

    Reality: Guy and a woman in adjacent stalls. Man drops his phone on the ground. Picks it up. woman assumes he is taking photos of her under the stall. Etc.

    I guess they will have to think of a way to get the stall walls to go all the way to the ground. If we could put a man on the moon....

    Personally, I like the setup at this Nyc market I went to. All bathrooms were one toilet/urinal/sink. One at a time or a family would go in. Problem solved.

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  • VicMacs
    Apr 16, 07:50 AM
    I had seen these before, wasnt this from a guy who made his own metal iphone? it looks cheap

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  • Cleverboy
    Jan 14, 08:23 PM
    Hey bad news is better than no news. I'd bet Gizmodo will get a few more hits out of this and maybe ces will attract some more people to see what will happen next year. It may be in the end one of the better things to have happened to this event. (Just a different way of looking at it)Wow. No. This (or anything like it) isn't something to "look forward" to next year. This was just STUPID. Yes, Gizmodo got extra traffic out of it... its what they do. I thought Leo Leporte was unreasonable for his dislike of Gizmodo, but they are now OFF my Google homepage and out of my bookmarks, and have earned a measure of disrepect for many of their readers. If they have anything more to say, I will likely never hear of it. Hopefully Engadget and other websites can make sure I get the news I would have heard from Gizmodo. I'll miss Jesus' artwork, but oh well. Plenty of other talented people out there.

    ~ CB

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  • wvuwhat
    Nov 8, 04:23 PM
    I'm pre-ordered from Best Buy, so I'll head there at Midnight tonight and pick it up. I'm not working Tuesday or Wednesday and I made sure to go to bed at 10AM this morning, and I woke up about 30 minutes ago. My plan is to get the game, and stay up till noon tomorrow.

    God, I need a life. I told my gf that she won't see me for a week.

    simple curriculum vitae sample. put together a resume for
  • put together a resume for

  • nuckinfutz
    Oct 18, 02:30 PM
    HD DVD is the superior platform. After perusing their specs a bit closer I find that:

    1. There are more mandatory features in HD DVD players. Ethernet, secondary Audio and Video decoders, persistent storage that must play a certain amount of 1080p content at a given bitrate, Dolby TrueHD support is mandatory. Sure Blu-Ray can add these but they don't mandate them so as of today only one BD player(The pioneer) will come with ethernet.

    2. Less DRM- HD DVD has AACS 128-bit encryption. Blu-Ray has the same but tosses in BD+ and ROM Mark. BD+ could prove to be problematic and gives too much power to studios.

    3. Legacy support- Most people don't know but the current "flipper" Combo discs (DVD on one side HD on the other) are giving way to Twin Format discs which contain a DVD layer and HD DVD layer on the same side. This means disc art comes back but you still have the legacy support. Currently right now it's two layer so you can do 15GB/4.7GB discs. Three Layer discs are being tested by the DVD Forum for inclusion to the spec. This would allow for 30/4.7 or 15/9.4 discs. Sure legacy support sounds stupid but how many minivans and cars have DVD players as standard or optional equipment? It'll be a long time before you get HD in the car. Twin Format HD DVD will ensure you can view your movie on millions upon millions of players.

    The networking features of HD DVD will impress people. HDi interactivity allows you to tap into the net for updates to trailers and bios. Or you can create a "playlist" of favorite scenes and send this to friends who own the same disc for playback. Voice annotations of scenes is possible as well. The key here is that the annotations or playlists contain syncing information for the disc. You never have to copy the actual movie content. The ethernet port on the HD DVD players can access your network using industry standard protocol.

    We're all computer people and we should all be asking why we have to spend $1500 on a pioneer BD player to get network connectivity that is available on a $400 HD DVD player. Things that make you say hmmmmmmmm

    May 10, 08:13 PM
    Seing your "adventures", no way I would ever try to do anything on a custom rig...

    But it's so fun cursing at the thing because you did something wrong and have to reboot into the firmware yet again. Ahhh, but once you get it right it feels good that you only took 3 days this time, the last time took a week or more :p each time gets a little less painful, usually anyway. :rolleyes:

    Jul 28, 12:37 PM

    How do you figure? A comparable gas powered car is in the $30,000+ range. Hybrids have always been higher priced than equivalent gas powered cars. Electric even higher priced than hybrids. Besides, a early adopters are paying for the development cost in addition to the production cost.

    Anyhow, I'll only be interested once it hits the road. I've been hearing a production model is coming next year for a few years now.:rolleyes:

    They have always stated the Volt would be coming by the end of 2010 ever since the program started back in 2007.

    Also remember, the areas the Volt will be sold in first( DC, New York, etc) are affluent areas where people can afford the Volt.

    And even at $41,000, GM is still taking a loss with the vehicle.

    May 2, 11:56 AM
    Oh the conspiracies!!!!

    As a software developer, the explanation that Apple gave seems far more plausible than "they are tracking your every move".

    It makes total sense to keep a cache of cell tower positions to speed up positioning through trilateration ( It also makes sense for Apple to maintain this as a crowd-sourced database and download part of it to your phone. Further, it makes sense for a developer to make an arbitrary decision to say "let's make the cache size 2MB -- that's smaller than a single song". Finally, it makes sense for QA to miss this since the file is not readily visible through the user interface. A very good article on this is here (

    I for one cannot remember a single iAd ever popping that was more appropriate based on my location (e.g.: a restaurant ad showing up when I was near a location for that restaurant chain). I seriously doubt that Apple cares where I have been for the past year -- especially with the huge degree of error that trilateration offers. But they definitely care about the crowd-sourced data to understand what regions iPhones are being used most heavily.

    Certainly, if Apple wanted to record my personal position it would make MUCH MUCH MUCH more sense for their servers to simply record the query my phone makes to obtain the portion of the crowd-sourced database that my phone wants to cache. That query could easily include a more exact GPS position (i.e.: give me the part of the cache near this location). It could also include a phone identifier. Of course, a timestamp could be associated with the query. They could keep the information on their own servers where I would NEVER EVER see it and they could easily access it. Keeping it on my phone simply does not make sense if Apple really wanted this information -- it makes it easy for me to find and it is of less use to Apple that way.

    I wonder if Google records my Wifi/GPS location on Google Maps or what locations I searched when using Google Maps. Hopefully, my identity is anonymized before the query is sent to Google for what part of the Maps database to pull down and cache. But again, it would be really easy for anybody to do this on the server side.

    Sep 30, 12:42 PM
    I guess you are still in the lets all commute to work and congest the highways and burn all the electricity and gas we can boat.

    Some jobs are not conducive to working at/from home.
    And I'd imagine that includes being the CEO of a multi-billion-dollar company.

    Aug 2, 11:22 AM
    I'm sorry but most people (I'd say 99.9%) can't hear the difference between a CD and a 128kbps AAC file.

    Heck, we got people still using 128kbps MP3 for crying out loud. If they heard any difference (or if it really sounded like crap) we'd see them using 256kbps MP3 instead. Granted, the encoder makes a huge difference, but most files you see on P2P networks are 128kbps.

    128 M4A (on my system) cuts the top and bottom out and leaves the middle range intact. Maybe it�s my Sennheiser setup or something but 128 actively alters electronic music, rap and nu metal/rapcore. If you only listen to iTunes you�re in for a shock if you go to a concert.

    I think M4A was designed for pop pop pop music :)

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